Pregnant Person's Name
First Name
Last Name
Pregnant Person's Email
Pregnant Person's Phone
Partner/Support Person's Name
First Name
Last Name
Support Person's Name
(If Applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Partner/Support Person's Email
Partner/Support Person's Phone
Estimated Due Date
Care Provider
Birthing Location
Have you taken a tour of your birthing location?
I'm planning to
What number pregnancy is this for you?
Number of previous births:
Please list number of living children and their ages:
Have you taken a childbirth education class? (Please list date/location)
Are there any preexisting medical or other conditions you'd like me to be aware of?
Please list any conditions developed during pregnancy that may affect your birth or postpartum experience:
Please describe your physical and emotional prenatal/pregnancy experience so far:
What is your birth vision? If everything went perfectly according to this vision, describe what this looks/feels like for you:
What fears or concerns have come up for you regarding your birth?
How would you say you typically react to/handle stressful or intense situations?
Is there anything you like to do to de-stress?
(I.e. music, exercise, meditation, anything!)
What do you think will be your greatest strength for your pregnancy/birth/postpartum experience?
What comes to mind when you think of comfort and/or feeling safe?
This can be a memory, a type of music, a person, anything!
Are there any comfort measures you've learned of that you'd like to try?
Do you enjoy physical touch as a comfort measure?
Are you planning to breastfeed?
(Totally okay if you don't know yet!)
In what ways are you hoping a doula's support will be helpful to you?
Is there anything specific you'd like to discuss or learn about during our prenatal visits?
Is there anything specific to your partner/support person you'd like me to know?
I.e. their personality traits, questions, fears, etc.
Please share anything else you'd like me to know about you, your family, or any other topics you'd like to discuss: