Pregnant Person's Name
First Name
Last Name
Pregnant Person's desired pronouns
Doula Name(s)
Partner/Support Person's Name
First Name
Last Name
Additional Support Person's Name
(If Applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Estimated Due Date
Care Provider
Name of hospital/birth center:
I plan to spend early labor at: (location)
Names of support person(s) and/or family who will be with me:
I would like for my doula to come to me when:
(Please note if you call me to you and labor is still extremely early, I may leave again until things progress further)
My plan for transportation to my birthing location is:
(Doula will drive herself separately)
I plan to head to my birthing location when:
Support person(s) who will be with me at birthing location:
(Include name and relation)
My wishes for movement (walking around):
My wishes for fetal heart monitoring:
My wishes for internal/cervical exams:
My wishes for the room atmosphere:
(music, aromatherapy, quiet, etc.):
Is it important to you that non-emergency treatment plans be explained to you in advance? Would you like time to discuss and decide with your support person(s) before treatments continue?
If an IV is administered, would you like to ensure mobility? (That you can still move/walk around)
Please indicate any preferences regarding other medicinal interventions.
This can include the usage of AROM (artificial rupture of membranes), Pitocin, Forceps, Oxygen, Cytotec, Cervidil, etc.:
Do you wish to plan for a non-medicated (aka "natural") birth?
What are your preferences on an epidural?
Other labor preferences:
Pushing positions I would like to try are:
My pushing preferences are: (Directed, with urge)
Do you want to be given a mirror to see the baby’s head? Do you want to reach down and touch baby’s head?:
Where would you like support person(s?) Do you want partner to look at/touch baby crowning?
Perinium care preferences:
Would you like to avoid an episiotomy, if possible?
(Many clinicians will allow a natural tear if one is necessary)
Who will accompany me to the O.R
I would like my support person(s) to be
(i.e., at my side, holding my hand, etc):
Environmental or Other requests:
(i.e. unless it is an emergency, please try to keep a calm environment, refrain from private conversations between medical staff, please keep me updated with all steps)
Who will cut the cord?
Do you want to see and/or keep the placenta?
Would you like to initiate breastfeeding? Would you like to allow baby to crawl to breast and initiate instinctually, or begin initiation with help of doula/staff?
For hospital births, please check your preferences for baby's treatment:
Give all standard treaments/immunizations
Waive Erythromycin Eye Ointment
Waive Vitamin K shot
Waive PKU test
Waive Glucose test
Waive Hepatitis B vaccine
Circumcision preferences:
Do you plan to bottle feed and/or give a pacifier?
If your baby needs treatment in the NICU, would you like your partner to stay with you or accompany the baby?
The most important thing to me about my birth is:
Prior to birth, I would like to discuss/learn more about:
Any other notes/preferences: